
Do I have strep test or HIV?

Do I have strep test or HIV?
I have had symptoms of strep (which are the same as HIV) and got tested by a doctor (using a throat swab placed in a chemical solution, NOT a blood test) and it the strep test said I was positive for strep. Is there any chance this would have tested positive if I didn't have strep but had HIV? I had am extremely high risk encounter, and the time frame fits. Also, even after being treated with a shot and antibiotics, some of the symptoms have lingered longer then I think they are supposed too (over a week after the start of treatment)...


Acute HIV Symptoms

Strep Throat Symptoms

As you can see, quite a few symptoms overlap, and it also says you can get Strep from viral infections (aka HIV). If HIV was the cause, would the bacterial strep test have been positive?


The reason I'm asking here and not a doctor is because I live in Japan, so it is really hard for me to figure out exactly what is going on sometimes.

Just to confirm, my symptoms were:
Soar throat (so bad it hurt to swallow or eat anything)
My gland thing on the right side of my throat was really swollen
The doctor said my tonsals on that side were very big
My ear hurt (especially when I swallowed)
I had a fever over 101 F

My treatments was:
•a shot
•some stuff he put directly on my throat
•three different pills:
1) i am not sure, but something with penicilin
2) medicine for something else, not sure
3) something used to surpress the side effects of the other medicines i think
I took all of these three times a day for four days

the symptoms went away pretty much, but then like six days after the start of treatment the soar throat and ear ache have come back a little bit (not as bad as before though)
to test me he didnt do any blood work, only a swab thing on my throat which was then placed in a sololution for a couple of minutes and said positive (he showed me the box which said strep test in English)
Just to confirm, were actually caused by Strep? I am worried because some of these symptoms overlap with acute hiv syndrom

Also, if it really is definitely strep, should I worry that the symptoms are coming back a little, should I go back to the doctor immediately, or should I wait a few days?

Best answer:
if your worried just go get a hiv test done :D had strep lke a month ago mne was gone in 3 days after taking meds for it and it never came back

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Wikipedia is a web site that gives detailed information on different issues. These issues include health.  Asthma Wikipedia is a web site in the Wikipedia which just deals with asthma.  In the web site, you will find ways of understanding the condition.  Wikipedia has done a great job in elaborating the disease by explaining the symptoms, causes, triggers and treatment options. The symptoms include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and tightness in the chest. 

The web site shows you how to detect these symptoms and also has images of the changes that take place in the respiratory system. They include swelling of the airways that take air in and out of the lungs.  The swelling happens when one is experiencing an asthma attack,

Asthma Wikipedia lists the causes of asthma. These include family history of asthma, allergies, eczema, irritants at workplace, smoking, and viral infections. The triggers include hormones, exercise, sex emotions, weather, air pollution, medications, house dust mites, animals and viral infections. 

Treatment of the condition is also explained by asthma Wikipedia.  These include drugs and trigger avoidance.  The drugs for asthma medication should only be taken after an asthma doctor's consultation.  Asthma Wikipedia only gives information and advice on dealing with the condition.  It should not be taken as an alternative to having a doctor's diagnosis, the site just helps you understand the condition better.  Other asthma related diseases are also explained in the site.  To find it, do a search on asthma Wikipedia on the major search engines.

Orignal From: Do I have strep test or HIV?

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