Can you be fighting a bacterial or viral infection even if you don't know it?
And if so, would that mean that taking antibiotics every so often just for the hell of it, would help wipe out the bacterial infections you may have and not know? And making sure to constantly try to stay healthy, because you may be fighting a viral/bacterial infection?
Best answer:
Yes you could have a slight infection and not know. Taking antibiotics every so often will not wipe it out. You need a steady dose for a 10 - 14 day period.
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Surgical Pathology of the Gastrointestinal System: Bacterial, Fungal, Viral, and Parasitic Infections
viral bacterial infection - click on the image below for more information.
Surgical Pathology of the Gastrointestinal System: Bacterial, Fungal, Viral, and Parasitic Infections provides a unique diagnostic reference text for the pathologic diagnosis of infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Written for the practicing surgical pathologist, this text combines the superior illustrations of an atlas with carefully written prose to create a useful diagnostic companion. The text is divided into four sections covering bacterial, fungal, viral, and parasitic infect
Surgical Pathology of the Gastrointestinal System: Bacterial, Fungal, Viral, and Parasitic Infections
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Preventative Measures To Protect Against Viral & Bacterial Infections
The prevalence of drug-resistant strains of E. coli and cellulitis infections presents pharmaceutical companies with a host of challenges to continually develop antiviral treatments and medications that stay one step ahead of these fast-adapting bacterium and viruses. The ability of these contaminants to adapt and resist common medications used in their cure presents future health hazards from these drug-resistant "super bugs." Adding to the drug-resistant drug problem is a long history of physicians sometimes prescribing antibiotics for common colds and flues that do not respond to antiviral medications. Simple preventative measures can help guard against contributing to the growth of drug-resistant viruses and bacterium.
There are natural remedies that have been used for thousands of years to combat and prevent viral and bacterial infections. Extracts and oils such as garlic extract and tea tree oil have antibiotic and antiviral properties that have been known to healing specialists as far back as Ancient Egypt. The use of these oils on minor cuts, scrapes, and skin lesions can greatly reduce the likelihood that bacterial or viral infections will invade the skin openings and spread through the bloodstream. Studies have shown other natural treatments such as pure honey also have antiviral or protective qualities when used on skin abrasions and lesions.
Tea tree oil in particular, is a favorite choice among herbalists and alternative treatment professionals for fighting potential viral and bacterial infections. In the case of cellulitis, a bacterial infection commonly associated with skin breaks from insect bites, burns, or surgical openings, the use of topical treatments containing tea tree oil can be beneficial. Since tea tree oil has antibiotic and antiviral properties, its use may help prevent minor cuts, burns, or other skin opening from becoming infected with the bacteria, which leads to cellulitis. In the case of E. coli, since many contaminations can be traced to fecal-oral transmission, hand soaps and cleansers containing tea tree oil may help prevent the spread of E. coli by killing the bacteria on hands and food prep surfaces.
The use of naturally occurring extracts and oils with antibiotic and antiviral properties as preventative measures against viruses and bacteria can lessen the prevalence of the resulting infections. By lessening the occurrence of infections, the reliance on antibiotic medications subsequently drops. The less society has to use antibiotics like penicillin, the less opportunity for viruses to be exposed and develop a resistance to common antibiotic medications. While natural remedies and alternative treatments alone will not solve the problem of drug-resistant viruses or bacteria, they can certainly help.
Orignal From: Can you be fighting a bacterial or viral infection even if you don't know it?
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